Sunday, March 18, 2007


I am feeling very restless for the last couple of days. Nothing seems to be going in the right direction, or maybe it is going in the direction it is meant to be, just not in the direction I want it to go!! That is usually a problem ~ experientially, it is time to start looking at new avenues, but emotionally I am not ready for it.
What do I do with boxes full of data that I have collected over the last few months when a preliminary analysis is indicating that it is all useless. Not a single remotely useful and interesting hypothesis is supported. Granted that this is not all the data, rather it is not even the actual one, yet the relationships are the same and should stand to be supported, one way or the other. People tell me that I am very hard on myself. Just setting some standards that I want to attain doesnot really mean that or does it? May be I am not really giving other aspects of my life a chance....maybe this is really running away from other realities of life...or maybe I really enjoy doing what I do and do not really want to invest time in other aspects of life. Sounds silly, I should experience all facets of life...
One friend I think is trying to come out and I am feeling a little incompetent in helping him through this process. It certainly is painful for him to acknowledge this and I have to deal with a lot of his mood swings. I have never really dealt with a close interaction that is not professional in nature, in which someone is trying to figure out their sexuality. I am involved in this one and though I had indicated that he should seek others, he needs me as a friend. Although I am certainly trying to be what he wants, it is a difficult situation for me. I go through a lot of emotions with him as he is dealing with an attraction at work and a pushy girl friend who wants to get married simultaneouly that triggered this process.


Sakhi said...

This shall pass too...things can only get better...S m i l e

AmitL said...

Hi,there...don't worry,as I always say,since 'this too shall pass'.I get such days so many times,that I've lost count.But,at the end of each such 'event', I ensure that I come out stronger,to face the world...take it as a shallenge,and, 'Thou shalt win'.:)Good luck.Cheers