Monday, March 12, 2007


Rejection hurts...sometimes it hurts more than other times, but you bet it hurts...
And this could be any kind of rejection ~ be it a rejection letter from a job, or rejection in social interactions, or rejection in intimate relationships....the more we want something, the more we invest in it, and the more rejection hurts.
If we are able to attribute this rejection to a system, sometimes, it is easier to handle it. If it is attributed to a person, it usually is more difficult to deal with. Also, depending on our personality, values, and beliefs some individuals are more expressive than others. Some deal with it by retaliation, others by introspection, and some others by whatever ways and means that work for them.
Rejection ~ consistent and frequent in some specific areas of life is a stressor that has the potential of affecting our self esteem. Yet, it is important to experience rejection, sometimes. It is important because being rejected gives one an insight into how life is not going to give us what we want always. Sometimes, it starts with a small 'NO' that parents tell their children on various occassions.
Life is full of experiences and we need to keep taking these risks in life. Need to keep sticking our necks out and taking risks, regardless of whether we will be successful or not, because it is usually the process that matters more than the outcome....or so we tell ourselves!!!

1 comment:

AmitL said...

Hi,Wandy...yes,Rejection hurts.And,the best way of handling it,according to me,is introspection. Retaliation,going into a depressed state,feeling miserable,losing confidence in one's self- are all other reactions,but,they hurt noone except the person him(or her)self.Plus,it has the potential to make a person stronger to face coming tests in life,be they studies or exams or in intimate relationships.Right?