Sunday, April 29, 2007

thoughts...more random ones...

Some times there are things that we really really want and hope would happen...
But, they don't...
And then we look around at people who have what we really wanted...and then things don't go so well...
We can and more often than not, feel really upset about this situation, sometimes when the emotions ebb we can rationalize the situation, think that it was not meant to be...
More doors will open...we just need to be aware of them...
Opportunities come our way ~ we need to be aware of their existence and attempt to grab them as and when we can....
Such is life...can we give up on it????
Can we just let go ~ and hope things will work out our way...or do we have to fight always.....????

Sunday, April 15, 2007

some random thoughts...

Some times its difficult to move on ~ be it from a job, or a relationship, or a place ~ even though we know that it is time to move on....
It is time usually because there is no growth of any fashion, there is feeling of stagnation, or depression, apathy, burnout, undue stress or anxiety, loneliness....and yet we drag our feet through this change....I wonder why?

Is it that the fear of unknown is worse than the present state which is undesirable too?
We do not want this and we do not know where to go either....questions, confusion, ambiguity ~

Yet, decisions have to be made sooner or later....
Opportunities come our way and have to grabbed sometimes....regardless of the joy ride they take us on....but again, this is easier said than done...

Some times we know facts and reality are very different from what our heart wants ~
we know that things are they way they are for a reason even though we do not understand the reason, our heart wants it to change with its every beat, even though it knows that what it wants is not possible, yet it wants...

And then when we do not get what we want, even though we knew in the first place that we were never going to get it, we get hurt, bitter, sometimes indulge in self pity....

I wonder why???